Our A9 flat card invitations are ideal for a wide range of specialty and customized projects. They are 5.5x8.5, and will fit into any of our A9 Envelopes. For frame of reference, they are half the size of a standard sheet of 8.5x11 paper. Our A9 flat card invitations can be purchased in every color you can imagine.
DIY Invitations—If you have an upcoming party, wedding, or special event, and will be printing your invitations at home—our A9 flat cards are an excellent selection. They are perfect both for DIY invitations, as well as professionally printed graphic designs. They are even ideal for blank invitations that can be personalized as needed.
Handmade Notecards—Handmade notecards are an ideal option when you want to create a signature card for a loved one, or when you want to create a series of custom cards. To ensure ease of writing you can hand decorate the corners and sides of your flat card—and write a personalized note or message inside.
Arts & Crafts—Although intended for invitations, our flat cards are a favorite choice for a wide range of specialty art and craft projects.
At CutCardStock, we have all the colors you need to design any invitation you dream!
From$ 9.50
From$ 21.95
From$ 6.55
From$ 19.95